Many seniors are hestaint to hand over their keys as it gives them a sense of independence and freedom to be able to drive. However there are some aged related issues that make it less safe for you to drive. Cognition: When you drive, you need to integrate several skills at the same time, including attention, … Read more
It is normal to forget things from time to time. We have all forgotten where we have parked our car. However, forgetting how to use the telephone, or find your way home are probably signs of a more serious memory problem, such as mild cognitive impairment, dementia or the early stages of Alzheimer’s. Serious memory problems … Read more
We have found a guide that will assist you make simple, affordable changes you can make to support your elderly parents to continue living independently. Ninety-five percent of elderly people living at home say they want to stay out of a nursing home as long as possible. Of course they do! Don’t we all want … Read more
Plus, five ways health care professionals can implement patient-centred care with nursing home residents. Caring for the elderly requires two important aspects: firstly, taking a coordinated approach. This means geriatricians, GPs, nursing staff and other allied health professionals all working together to help achieve the best health outcomes for aged care residents. And, secondly, health … Read more
Living in aged care does not spell an end to sexuality. Here’s how we help residents, nursing homes and families work together to address this often taboo subject. One of the most difficult things about moving into aged care is that people often think old age means depleted sexual desire – including sexual abstinence. But, … Read more
Here’s why GP visits are essential for patients with high medical needs, regardless of where they live. Plus, the general differences in care between hospitals and nursing homes. Most residents in aged care have complex medical, social, psychological and neurological issues. So, having a regularly GP, who provides detailed attention and understanding of an individual’s … Read more
f you are helping move a parent or friend into palliative care or a nursing home, here are some key considerations about planning ahead. There’s no doubt helping a loved one navigate the later stages of life is a tumultuous time – particularly when it involves leaving home. So, discussing their final medical treatment and … Read more